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Ibrahim Yusuf


Antimicrobial, Bacteraemia, Septicaemia, Sickle cell disease, Children


Background and Objectives: Bacterial infection in sickle cell anaemic patients is a major cause of mortality and require proper treatment with appropriate antibiotics. However, continue defiant of these infections causing pathogens to many antibiotics and inadequate screening methods in overburden health care facilities such as our in Kano, Nigeria necessitates the conduct of this study. A research was therefore conducted on the characterizations and antimicrobial susceptibility of septicaemia-causing pathogens isolated from febrile children with sickle cell disease in Kano, Nigeria.

Method: A total of 225 venous blood samples from suspected sickle cell anaemicchildren attending three selected hospitals within Kano metropolis were collected and screened for sickle cell disease, followed by blood culture using automated blood culture system (BD BACTEC) respectively. The bacteria isolated from confirmed SCD patients were characterized using microscopic, biochemical and serological techniques. Results: Results showed that of the 225 specimens collected,68 (30.22%) were SCD positive, with the highest percentage (16%) among subjects within 1-2 years of age.  A total of 11 genera of bacteria were isolated from the SCD confirmed bloods, with  Salmonella typhi having highest occurring rate 27 (39.71%), followed by Streptococcus pneumoniae10 (14.71%), Salmonella Group B 9(13.24%), Staphylococcus aureus 4 (5.88%),and Escherichia coli 3 (4.41%).Majority of the isolates 59 (86.76%) were highly susceptible to ciprofloxacin followed by cefuroxime 45 (66.18%), gentamicin 38 (55.88%), ceftriaxone 30 (44.12%), augmentin 39 (57.35%), ampicillin 25 (36.77%) and co-trimoxazole (22.06%). 

Conclusion: Septicaemia in SCD confirmed children in the three hospitals are caused by a combination of 11 genera of bacteria. Resistance to commonly used antibiotics are on increase, but treatment with ciprofloxacin is still promising.


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