An Urologic Face of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia:Sequential Prostatic and Penis Localization

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Giovanni D'Arena
Roberto Guariglia
Oreste Villani
Maria Carmen Martorelli
Giuseppe Pietrantuono
Giovanna Mansueto
Giuseppe Patitucci
Emilio Imbriani
Tommaso Masciandaro
Ludovica Borgia
Giulia Vita
Fiorella D'Auria
Teodora Statuto
Pellegrino Musto


chronic lymphocytic leukemia, prostate, penis, infiltration


We report a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) in whom a leukemic involvement of prostate and penis occurred in the advanced phase of his disease. Obstructive urinary symptoms were indicative of prostatic CLL infiltration, followed by the occurrence of an ulcerative lesion on the glans. Histologic examination confirmed  the  neoplastic B-cell infiltration. Both localizations responded to conventional treatments. A review of the literature confirms that leukemic involvement of the genito-urinary system is   uncommon in CLL patients. However, such an involvement should be considered in CLL patients with urologic symptoms and a long history of the disease.


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