ClinicaI Reversible Myelopathy in T-Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma Treated with Nelarabine and Radiotherapy: Report of a Case and Review of Literature of an Increasing Complication

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Maria Chiara Tisi
Giuseppe Ausoni
Maria Gabriella Vita
Tommaso Tartaglione
Mario Balducci
Luca Laurenti
Patrizia Chiusolo
Stefan Hohaus
Simona Sica


T Lymphoblastic Lymphoma, Nelarabine, Myelopathy


To date, eleven cases of irreversible neurological defects in T- ALL patients treated with nelarabine have been described in the last 4 years, seven of these after stem cell transplantation (SCT) for T Lymphoblastic Lymphoma (T-LBL). Most of patients had an unfavorable outcome or irreversible damage.

We report the case of a 41-year-old woman suffering from T-LBL who presented severe but reversible myelopathy after nelarabine based treatment and mediastinum radiotherapy, and we perform a review of literature.


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