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therapeutic patient education, allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, quality of life, psychological support, patient engagement
Physical and psychological factors, like wrong attitudes and behaviours, can negatively influence health outcomes of the patients receiving allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (AHSCT). Educational interventions aiming to improve knowledge on side effects, risks, complications and preventive behaviour can reduce psychological distress, and improve quality of life (QoL). We aimed to compare a standard approach with therapeutic patient education (TPE) to analyse the impact on AHSCT patients’ QoL, psychological distress and knowledge of AHSCT side effects, risks complications and preventive behaviour.
Material and methods
A prospective interventional study was conducted analysing data of 36 patients who received one of two different educational approaches, which were a standard approach (not-exposed) or TPE (exposed).
In the exposed group QoL improved 14 days after transplantation (42.2 vs 25.6; p<0.03) and at time of discharge (36.6 vs 54.4; p<0.005). Anxiety and depression was better controlled in the exposed group, both at hospitalization and discharge (anxiety: 48.1 vs 53.2; 46.4 vs 51.6. p<0.04; depression: 49 vs 55.3; 48 vs 54.3 , p<0.03). Knowledge of AHSCT risks and complications improved in exposed patients, both at admission (10.1/15 vs 8/15 correct answers; p<0.01) and discharge (10.7/15 vs 8.8/15 correct answer; p<0.03).
The TPE for AHSCT patients improved knowledge, reduced anxiety and depression, which consequently increasing QoL. Therefore, we recommend our approach to further engage patients in the treatment plan, which should specifically take place prior to AHSCT initiation.
Abstract 1103
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