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Keywords:COVID-19 Infection, Children, Minia Governorate.
Back ground: A novel coronavirus which is identified as cause of pandemic situation inFebruary2020 and affecting adult and children with variable presentation and outcome.
Objective: We studied the typical and atypical clinical and laboratory presentation of COVID-19 during the peak of the first wave in two main referral hospitals, upper Egypt El Minya governorate.
Methods: Among 88 children with suspected cases tested for COVID-19, only 22 who proved to be positive. Studied patients were classified into 3 groups based on age. The first group 2–5years,the second for 5–10years and the third one included those aged more than 10 years. All patients met diagnostic guidelines established by Egyptian Ministry of health.
Results: out of the positive 22 (25%) patients, 13(59.1%) of them were male, while 9 (40.9%) were females. All enrolled patients have a history of near contact exposure (100%). Thrombocytopenia was the highest presenting symptom in all enrolled patients18(81.8%), while other hematological findings were anemia in 11 (50%), thrombotic symptoms in 2(9.1%), pancytopenia in 2(9.1%) while bleeding was found in 1 patient (4.5%) .Fever 16 (72.7%) the common constitutional symptoms in COVID-19 were not reported in all enrolled patients (0%) while sore throat was reported in only 2 patients (9.1%).Respiratory presentation was only dominant in positive chest CT finding rather than clinical symptoms 17(72.3%) GIT symptom were the dominant presenting feature as vomiting was found in 15 (68.2%), diarrhea in 10 (45.5%), abdominal pain in 11 (50%), jaundice in 9 (40.9%) and dehydration in 6 (27.3%).Neurological symptoms were convulsions in 4(18.2%) while encephalopathy was 2(9.1%).Nephritis was the only renal presentation in the enrolled patients3 (13.6%).Cardiac presentations were only cyanosis 8 (36.4%) and arrhythmias 6 (27.3%)
Conclusion: COVID-19 has many clinical classic presentation in children however other non-typical presentation like hematological. CNS and renal presentation has been reported.
Abstract 1189
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