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Pouyan Kheirkhah
Ana M. Avila-Rodriguez
Bartlomiej Radzik
Carlos Murga-Zamalloa


intestinal, gastric, myeloid sarcoma, trisomy 8, acute myeloid leukemia, granulocytic sarcoma


Myeloid sarcomas can be detected in up to 30% of acute myeloid leukemia cases or occur de-novo without bone marrow involvement. The most frequent localization of myeloid sarcomas in the abdominal cavity is the small intestine, and gastric presentations are infrequent, frequently misdiagnosed, and a high level of suspicion should exist when the characteristic histomorphology features are present. The current review features a case report with gastric presentation of myeloid sarcoma in a patient with a diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia with trisomy 8. In addition, a review of the literature of intestinal type myeloid sarcomas shows that less than 15% of these cases have been reported in the stomach. The most common molecular aberrancy detected in intestinal myeloid sarcomas is the fusion protein CBFB-MYH11. Review of several large studies demonstrates that the presence of myeloid sarcoma does not constitute an independent prognostic factor. The therapeutic approach will be tailored to the specific genetic abnormalities present, and systemic chemotherapy with hematopoietic stem cell transplant are the most efficient strategies.


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