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adults T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, CAR-T Cells, T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma
Chimeric antigen receptor T-cell (CAR-T) therapy has revolutionized the treatment of B-cell lymphoid neoplasia and, in some instances, improved disease outcomes. Thus, six FDA-approved commercial CAR-T cell products that target antigens preferentially expressed on malignant B-cells or plasma cells have been introduced in the therapy of B-cell lymphomas, B-ALLs and multiple myeloma.
These therapeutic successes have triggered the application of CAR-T cell therapy to other hematologic tumors, including T-cell malignancies. However, the success of CAR-T cell therapies in T-cell neoplasms was considerably more limited to the existence of some limiting factors, such as the sharing of mutual antigens between normal T-cells and CAR-T cells, and malignant cells, determining fratricide events and severe T-cell aplasia; contamination of CAR-T cells used for CAR transduction with contaminating malignant T-cells. Allogeneic CAR-T products can avoid tumor contamination but raise other problems related to immunological incompatibility.
In spite of these limitations, there has been significant progress in CD7- and CD5-targeted CAR-T cell therapy of T-cell malignancies in the last few years.
Abstract 1228
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